Covelli Surname History

The Ancient History of the Distinguished Surname COVELLI

The area of the Mezzogiorno incorporates the southernmost regions of Italy which includes Puglia, Lucania, Basilicata, Campania and Calabria. This entire region of Italy is primarily agricultural, olives, tobacco, fruit, and grapes are the main crops. The area attracts thousands of tourists each year. This region was, at different times in history, the Kingdom of Naples and part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Many of this region have their origins in Roman and Greek history. It is from this diverse heritage, the surname Covelli originates. During medieval times the area came under Lombard and Byzantine rule. The Byzantines came from the East. All regions experienced periods of unrest due to the provincial border disputes between the ruling nations of the day. During this turbulent time in the history of southern Italy, the surname Covelli emerged in Naples, formerly Napolis, formerly capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in southern Italy it is the chief city of the province of Naples. It shares with Instanbul the claim to be the most beautiful city in Europe. Naples has 237 Churches and 57 Chapels. The National Museum and other galleries contain riches in art and artifacts. In those ancient times only persons of rank, the podesta, clergy, city officials, army officers, artists, landowners were entered into the records. To be recorded at this time, at the beginning of recorded history, was of itself a great distinction and indicative of noble ancestry.

The surname Covelli also has several variations with the lineage including Covelli, Covella, Coviello, Covino, Covitto, Covone. These variations are due to a number of factors such as differences in local dialects which result in variations in spelling. Languages also change over the course of time, and the different variations in surnames often reflect this change.

During the eleventh century, the Normans gained control of southern Italy. The Normans united their Italian territories when they took Sicily from the Saracens. At this time, the Covelli family was recorded in many regions such as Naples where they were anciently seated. The famous soprano Coviello was of Naples. The name was also spelt Covoni. They branched to Fiesole during the 13th century then to Firenze. Marco Covone was the ambassador for Pistoia in 1334. Bettino was they mayor of Perkugia in 1380. Pietro was the consul for the Florentina Academy in 1559. From their early beginnings, for the next few centuries, the family name also acquired better estates.

By the end of the 15th century, southern Italy was known as the Kingdom of Naples, ruled by the house of Aragon. In 1501 Ferdinand of Castille reunited the Two Sicilies under one crown.

During this period, many calamities occurred. The most devastating was the Black Death IN 1348 which wiped out over one third of the population of Western Europe. The famous Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, who wrote the famous Divine Comedy, also wrote the Decameron, a series stories told by a group of people living in a mountain cave in order to escape the plague. In the early eighteenth century, the Austrians took over and the region was ruled by the Austrian emperor Kales VI. Under the Austrians, the people were given at least some say in their own government. However, in 1734, Spaniard Don Carlos defeated the Austrians, and the region came under Spanish rule once more. The Spaniards brought independence to the region and reforms in economic and governmental policy. In 1799, the French invaded Naples and in 1806, Napoleon’s brother Joseph took over the capital. Napoleon then made Joseph King, but this hold on Italy was not to last. In 1813, the Congress of Vienna restored pre-Napoleonic rule.

In 1815, Ferdinand of Austria became ruler of Naples and the Kingdom of Sicily, thus reforming the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Under Ferdinand II, the Kingdom prospered. There was increased trade and industry. The following year, the kingdom joined the rest of Italy in the unification of 1861. Distinguished of the name during the middles ages was the Coviello family of Naples.

Members of the Covelli lineage arrived in North America during this period. Many settlers were recorded from the end of the 19th century in great migration from Italy to the New World. Migrants settled in the eastern seaboard principally in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The migration continued until the middle of the twentieth century.

Contemporary notables bearing the Covelli name, or variation, include many distinguished contributors to world culture, science and society including dignitaries on both sides of the Atlantic.

Research has determined the above Coats of Arms to be the most ancient recorded for the family surname Covelli.

Information on this page was gathered by Hall of Names Inc.

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