Mendel FAQ
Version 3.0

Frequently Asked Questions
in Mendel Computer Lab

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Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

All Commands with words inside <> are to are not to be typed, but enter/or press what it tells you without the <>. There is a space between any commands and any set of <>.

All Commands are in reference to the computers for the Mendel Computer Lab. The commands could be compatible with other computers in other Computer labs at Villanova University. If not sure, check with the consultant on duty.


  • Getting An Account
  • Print Outs
  • Mini Tab
  • Word Perfect
  • DOS
  • VAX
  • UNIX
  • UNIX Commands
  • Send COMMENTS To

  • How do I find my print out?

    Print Outs are filed up by the printers near the consultant desk under the machine name,

    login name or social security number.

    PC's the name appears on the front of the machine.
    Mac's the name appears inside an icon in the upper right corner of the console.
    UNIX cluster by using the laser command, print outs will be filed under your login name
    VAX cluster print outs will be filed by using the first 3 digits of your social security


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    How do I get an Electronic Mail (E-mail) account?

    Go to Room 63 in Mendel Hall, the UNIT Office. There is an underpass in the middle of Mendel Hall. The room is located on the right of it, if you were coming from campus..

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    How do you log in into the Bartley Server?

    At the main menu and Mendel prompt Type: BART This will log you into the Bartley Server and display the main menu as if you were at Bartley. When done please reboot the machine by turning it off and then back on.

    When closing windows, I get an error stating, Closing Trumpet winsoc may cause instability with the network application. Do you really want to quit?" What should I do?

    Just click onto Yes.

    How do you format a disk on the PC's?

    At the main menu with a prompt type one of the following for your disk. For High Density (Identified by the symbol HD on the disk), Type: format A:
    For Double Density 3.5" disk, Type: format A: /f:720

    Getting An Account | Print Outs | Mini Tab | Word Perfect | DOS | VAX | UNIX | UNIX Commands | Send COMMENTS To

    Mini Tab:

    How do I print a Mini Tab output file?

    Before start doing any work and graphing, you must create an outfile. This is done by typing the following: outfile ' <filename> '

    Now due all your work and calculations. When done type: nooutfile

    If you want to save for late use, save it at this time.

    Next type: stop

    This will return you to the DOS or VAX prompt

    In DOS, Type: capture

            Type: print <drive><filename>, where 
    	<drive> is b: or c:

    On VAX, type: PRM <filename> OR PRMI <filename>

    How do I retrieve my DATA or Worksheet?

    At the Mini Tab prompt type: retrieve ' <filename> '

    How do I save my Data?

    At the Mini Tab prompt type: save ' <filename> '

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    Word Perfect: (WP)

    I am using WP51, and I hit some key and my screen went blank, did I lose my document?

    Not always the case, but typically the document was switched to the second document. To get back to the original document, at the same time, press: <shift> <F3>

    When I type nothing happens, what should I do?

    Step 1: Wait a few minutes, if the problem still persists, the only thing you can do is reboot the machine. For WP51, you can retrieve the time backup file that is saved every 15 minutes. This must be done before loading WP again. The time backup file has to be renamed. You could lose up to 15 minutes of typing. For WP61, The only thing you can do is reboot the machine, load windows again, then restart WP. Before WP is completely loaded, you will be informed their was an existing backup file and if you want to recover the file. Select Rename. Type in a New filename. Use this new filename when you load your file.

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    How do I send a file to the printer?

    It depends on which printer you want to send it to. Pick the printer below and use the command next to it.

           Mendel VAX Printer:    PRM  <Filename>         
           Mendel IBM Printer:  PRMI <Filename>
           Tolentine VAX Printer: PRT  <Filename>
           Bartley IBM Printer:   PRBI  <Filename>

    How do I know what commands I can use?

    Type: HELP

    How do I change my password?

    Type: set password
    You then will be prompted for your old password, Type it in.
    You will then be prompted for a new password. Type a new password in.
    You will then be prompted to Retype your new password. Type the new password again.
    NOTE: ALL users are encouraged to change their initial password. Your new password should be something you can easily remember.

    E-Mail (Electronic Mail)

    How do I get started?

    At the VAX prompt ($) Type: mail

    How do I read my mail?

    At the mail prompt <Mail>, Type read or just Type: <enter>

    How do I Send a message?

    When in mail, there is a prompt (mail) Type: send/edit A To:; prompt will appear, Here type in the E-mail address of the recipient with the below format:

           On campus:

    Student: <social security number> Faculty: <last name> Off campus:

    Internet: SMTP%"<login name>@<site name>" Example: SMPT%""

    Bitnet: BITNET%"<login name>@<site name>" Example: BITNET%"123456789@VUVAXCOM"

    NOTE: spelling and site names have to be exact. The login name could be case sensitive.

    Then the message body will be set up. You Type: c <press return key>
    Now start typing your message.
    When done typing your message, at the same time Type: <press ctrl key> Z
    An asterisk will appear as a prompt, Type: exit

    How do you print a mail message?

    Read the message you want to print. When you are at the mail prompt (Mail>),
    Type: extract <filename>
    Exit mail, so you are back at the VAX prompt ($), then Type: PRM <filename>
    This will print your file to the laser printer on Mendel Computer Lab. To print to other
    printers look at the question above on how to print files.

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    When I am in VI how do I save a file?

    If you gave your file a name upon entering vi:

    If you did not designate a file name when invoking VI then Type: :w <filename>

    If you want to save the file, but not leave VI then Type: :w <filename>

    How do I print a file


    There are two methods.

    Method One:
    Type: laser <filename>
    This will print your file directly to the laser printer in Mendel Hall. The file will be filed under the first letter of your login name. If you get an error: Standard input file is empty, then try method two.

    Method Two:
    You have to FTP it from the UNIX machines to the PCs. You do this by doing the following steps.
    First log off your UNIX account and return to the IBM prompt.
    Next, Type: ftp
    Type: open monet
    You will be then prompted, userid: , so at the prompt type your UNIX login name
    You will then be prompted, password: , so at the prompt type your UNIX password
    Type: get <filename>
    Type: bye
    Type: C:
    Type: capture
    You might get a prompt for a printer name, if so just hit the Return Key
    Type: print <filename>
    Type: del <filename>
    Your file then should be printing at the laser printer at Mendel Computer Lab

    Note: if you want a list of FTP commands, when at the FTP prompt Type: ?

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    UNIX - VI Command Summary

    Which MODE am I in? Hit ESCAPE KEY a couple of times if you do not know which mode you are in; it will put you in the command.

    Command Mode

    vi <filename>           gets file to can edit
    ZZ                    save file and return to shell
    :w <filename>           SAVES file called <filename> AND stays in VI
    :q!                   Do NOT save file & return to shell prompt
    :r file2              to merge file2 into presently working file
    J                     join the line the cursor is on with the line below it

    Moving around in VI

    /<word>         move cursor forward to selected word in text
    /<word>         move cusor backward to selected word in text
     n                    moves to next occurrence of word in the / or ? command
    $ moves cursor to the end of the line

    :# goto line #

    G                     goto last line in file

    Deleting in VI

    dd                    deletes line of text
    #dd                   deletes # of line of text
    #dw                   deletes # of words of text
    #x                    deletes # of characters of text
    D                     deletes from cursor to End Of Line
    :#1,#2 Deletes block line #1 to #2

    r<>                     replaces character with <>
    u                     undo last edit command
    yy                    copy one line of text
    #yy                   copy #  lines of text
    p                     to paste cut (deleted) or copied text

    Append Mode - editing commands

    ESC                   to exit the append mode and return to command mode
    a                     appends (adds) right of cursor
    A appends at end of a line

    i                     inserts text left of cursor
    I                     insert text at begin of line
    o                     adds line below cursor
    O                     adds line above cursor
    cw                    change a word of text
    cc or S                       changes one line of text
    s                     substitutes one characters

    Version 3.2 - June 3, 1995
    This Document was created by

    Graham L. Mehl
    CSC Graduate Student

    For further additions or questions about this document send E-mail to:

    Graham L. Mehl at   
    or Dan McGee at 

    Getting An Account | Print Outs | Mini Tab | Word Perfect | DOS | VAX | UNIX | UNIX Commands