What is a Command

UNIX commands consist of three components:

Simple Commands

changes user password
tells the date and time
lists other logged in users
tell what other users are doing
logout or exit
ends a unix session
<ctrl d>
ends a unix session
ls - list files user has

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More Simple Commands

man <commandname>
shows information on commandname, includes options and arguments
finger <username>
shows more complete information on username
talk <username>
allows you to hold an interactive conversation with username. To exit the talk command type: <ctrl> C
gives a list of who's logged in on a local machine, option -l gives the users real name too

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- options are typically single letters preceded by a hyphen
- several options can be used at the same time with restriction made by the command

Example 1:
ls -F

Results 1:
junk termpaper stuff/ programs/
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- arguments are typically strings or filenames or Path names

Example 2: (Here: you do not know whick are directories or executables or text files
ls ~/programs

Results 2:
a.out test.c steve.doc cs115
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