Commands Associated with Files

  • Printing
  • Deleting
  • Moving
  • Copying
  • Grep
  • Redirecting
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    lpr filename(s)
    prints filename(s) on the default printer; the default printer is usually a line print which excepts only text, so please send only text files


    	lpr list.txt 

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    rm [-i,-r] filename(s)
    remove (delete) the specified file(s). With -i, the user is prompted before each file is deleted. With -r, if a directory is specified, the directory and all files in it are deleted.


    	rm list.*  
    rm -r ~/temp
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    mv [-i,-r] <filename(s)> or <directoryname(s)>
    moves the specified files to the specified directory. Files created in the new directory have the same name as the original files. Existing files with the same name are overwritten. With -i, the user is prompted before each file is moved. The -r is used when moving directories. It means to recursively the directory and all of its nested subdirectories.

    mv [-i] file1 file2
    same as above, but moves a single file to a new filename. Complete or relative pathnames may be used.


    	mv list.*  ~/temp
    mv -i lis?.txt ~/temp
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    cp [-i,-r] <filename(s)> or <directoryname(s)>
    copies the specified files to the specified directory. Files created in the new directory have the same name as the original files. Existing files with the same name are overwritten. With -i, the user is prompted before each file is copied. The -r is used when copying directories. It means to recursively copy or move the directory and all of its nested subdirectories.

    cp [-i] file1 file2
    ame as above, but copies a single file to a new filename. Complete or relative pathnames may be used.


    	cp letter.doc  Mail/Jean/jan.10
    cp letter.txt newletter

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    grep <any pattern> <file>

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    Click here for Examples
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    ls > filelist
    The listing of the current directory is placed in a file called filelist

    ls >> filelist
    The listing of the current directory is Appended to the file called filelist

    Mail fred < hello
    Mails a file called hello to the user fred

    ls -la | more
    The listing of the current directory including dot files in long format one page at a time

    cat letter1 letter2 > letter3
    Concatenates the two files called letter1 and letter2 and place the output into a file called letter3

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